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External Buttons

Every habit has a Do Now button integrated on its card.

The previous versions have used the external standalone buttons.

alt text

You can revert back to this old layout if you like it. Just create the button for each habit as described in this guide and put them into the column alongside the habit's database view.

If you would like to create an external standalone button instead which can be used in any place, here is a recommended configuration.

First set the button's label and the icon to the same as for the habit.

External button's icon and label

Add a confirmation step to ask if you are sure to do the habit now.

External button's confirmation step

Finally add a step to add a page to the Records database as a default template (has check icon and no title). Important thing is to set the Habit property to the habit you are going to complete.

External button's add record page step

Now you can place the button anywhere you like in your Notion workspaces and it will complete the associated habit.