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How To

How to change main currency?

Change Main currency in the Settings.

How to add new currency?

⭐ Available in PRO VERSION

Add new row to Settings > Exchange rates with the currency code and set it's exchange rate or wait for auto-update if set.

How to enable currency exchange rates auto-update?

⭐ Available in PRO VERSION

Visit Exchange rates auto-update

How to refresh the exchange rates manually?

⭐ Available in PRO VERSION

If you set up the exchange rates auto-update, you can refresh them manually on demand. Just go to your scenario, edit it and click Run once.

Run exchange rates auto-update once

How to (de)activate record?

Instead of deleting records, you can mark them as inactive and re-activate them later. Inactive records are shown in the Inactive view of the records database.

To (de)activate the record, open the record’s detail and toggle the Active checkbox.